Флаг Великобритании ведёт свою историю с 1603 года, когда король Шотландии Яков VI унаследовал престол Англии и стал английским королём под именем Якова I. При этом союз между Англией и Шотландией носил характер личной унии, и они оставались независимыми государствами. 12 апреля 1606 года был утверждён новый флаг союза государств: на шотландский флаг святого Андрея (белый косой крест на синем фоне) был наложен английский флаг святого Георгия (красный крест на белом фоне). Флаг, принятый 12 апреля 1606 года
Первоначально флаг использовался только на море как военными, так и торговыми кораблями обеих стран. 5 мая 1634 года его было предписано использовать только военным судам в качестве гюйса (отсюда и его обиходное наименование «Юнион Джек» — «Jack» по-английски — носовой флаг корабля или судна), в то время как торговые суда должны были поднимать флаги святого Георга (английские) или святого Андрея (шотландские). При этом наземные войска продолжали использовать знамёна своих стран. В Шотландии имел некоторое распространение национальный вариант флага, в котором белый крест святого Андрея располагался над красным английским крестом[1]. Шотландский вариант флага. Ограниченно использовался в 1606—1707 годах
После принятия в 1707 году Акта об Унии, объединившего оба королевства в единое Королевство Великобритании, объединённый флаг стал флагом нового государства.
В 1801 году с принятием Акта об объединении Великобритании и Ирландии было образовано Соединённое королевство Великобритании и Ирландии. К флагу, существовавшему прежде, был добавлен символ Ирландии — крест святого Патрика. При этом белый шотландский и красный ирландский крест пересекаются определённым образом. В таком виде флаг Великобритании и дошёл до наших дней. Синий цвет современного шотландского флага светлее синего цвета, используемого в «Юнион Джеке». Стоит отметить, что в Уэльсе периодически раздаются призывы поместить на флаг красного дракона, национальный символ Уэльса, дабы избежать «дискриминации» этой части Соединённого Королевства. [color=blue][size=20][b][i][u]
Some people say that computers have changed our lives for the better. However? Others people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. I agree with those people who think that computers brought many benefits and play a very important role in our modern life. On the one hand, we use computers every day sometimes even not knowing it. When we go to a store and use our credit cards many computers process our information and perform transactions. Computers provided a great means of communication – the Internet. I think that it is the easiest and cheapest way to get in touch with relatives and friends. If we want to have a prestigious job, we must know how to work on computers. That is why computers have become the main part of school education. As for me, I have computer classes at my school, where I study computer science. More than that, computers help me to do my homework. On the other hand, computers often inform us of dramatic events. On the Internet there are clubs of suicides, clubs of addicts, clubs training beginning terrorists and many others.in such clubs it is possible to order own death. A lot of young people find virtual reality more attractive than their everyday lives and this makes them neglect school work and their everyday responsibilities. Fortunately, new technology makes it possible to eliminate the bad effect of computer on people, s health and if we learn how to control our computer use, then computers will become an integral part of our lives. In conclusion, I believe that computers made our lives easier. People should not believe everything that is on the Internet.
There have always been arguments about the influence of television on people. Some people say that television viewing is by far the most popular leisure pas-time. Others stick to the point that not everything shown on TV is made in good taste. They consider that television is a terrible waste of time. I think each group is right in some way because there are some advantages as well as disadvantages of televisions' influence. First of all, television is one of the best ways to know about eveything which happened in the world during the whole day. Besides, if you want to watch TV for an hour a day to relax then television can be really useful. There are lots of different programmes and films which help us to relax after a hardworking day at school and escape from our everyday problems. Moreover, there are a lot of exellent educational programmes for children, teenagers and even adults. They help them to improve their knowledge , expand their outlook and develop their imagination and creativity. I find such programmes clever and informative. But on the other hand, not everything shown on TV is made in good taste. Unfortunatelly, all chanels in Russia show adverts. Some people find it silly and boring. As for me, I don't take ads seriously because it shows life unrealistically and gives untrue information. More than that, there is too much violence on TV. Every day we are reported about natural disasters, murders, robberies, especially among the young. It dults our sensitivity and makes us agressive. Another drawback of television is television addiction. People spend a lot of time in front of television and forget about their duties. Furthermore, some programmes, for example, reality shows teach us bad manners. I think it's very bad too. To sum up, it is really difficult to say exactly if television teaches us good or bad example. In short, television has both good and bad points. And people should learn how to make the best use of it.
Television is an essencial part of the mass media. It is the most popular source of information nowadays. And we can not imagine our life without television and watching TV every day. There are two points of views about televisin. Some people think that it is a necessity. Others say that it is a terrible spending time. On the one hand, television tell us the latest news. Besides, it gives us an opportunity to see all over the world, to know about different interesting places. What is more, there are a lot of different quizzes, that expand our outlook. The advertisements help us to choose the best products and goods. On the other hand, not all that is shown on TV is good. There are a lot of violence on TV screen and we watch it every day. A lot of young people follow bad example and make crimes. Moreover, television very often give us untrue information and nervous people upset. It can be dangeruos for their health. In addition, advertisment messages show unrealistically life. For example, people in adverts always seem to be happy and all is the best, that not true at all. To sum up, television tell us what was happened during the day, it help to develop our minds. But it is very bad for health to watch TV on the whole day, because your brains slip and you forget about your duties.
To begin with everybody has a hobby like sport,collecting diffrent things and so on. Different people have different likes and dislikes. My hobby and my future proffesion is connected with cybersport. Cybersport is computer sport. Some people think it is bad. It is harmful for you health to seat many hours in front of computer and play games. they think it cant be a proffesion,only fun for teenagers.But they are mistaken. In cybersport you have the same emotions,than in real sports as football,you develope your skill,employ tactics with your teammates and play different online and lan championships. Tourney money record was in 2011 on Dota 2 International Championship. For me and my friend it became a part of live. We love eSports. To conclude,I want to say what everybody have a choice what to do in future and i have already made a dessicion. Cybersport is what i need. It is amazing.